In most circumstances this will just be old issues not lasting very long, although some issues will be prolonged with Outlook login problems being the most highlighted. To check the MSN email account in future, you would probably need to go through the Hotmail sign in page.The transition from Hotmail to Outlook hasn’t been without problems, in fact there’s been a few outages with users reporting Hotmail or Outlook has gone down throughout this year at different times. Click the “ Continue” button on this page to be taken to your email account which is on the ‘Live’ web site – a part of the MSN.Congratulations! You now have an MSN account!.Type the email address in the blank field provided and hit the “ Accept” button. The last step to get your MSN email address / account is agreeing to the terms of service and the privacy policy.Provide all your personal information, which I suppose, would be an easy affair.Assuming the username you chose was available and all other inputs (including the verification) were correct, a second page of the registration form will load.This is because the service already has hundreds of thousands of users and common usernames are hard to come by. Why is your chosen MSN username not available? There is a strong possibility that the MSN ID you had chosen is not available. This is to prevent the abuse of the MSN services by hackers and automated programs. You have to type in the characters (alphabet and numbers) exaclty as shown. įYI, the alternate email address field is optional because MSN understands that some people may be creating an email address for the first time. Again, make sure this is not something obvious. Select a question from the drop down and type in the answer. The next section in the registration form is exactly for this purpose. This is typically done by providing the secret answer to a chosen question or through an alternate email address. But there is a possibility that the password can slip out of memory, in which case you can reset this information by identifying yourself correctly.Don’t strain yourself in trying to achieve the strongest password… just make sure it’s not weak. The “ Password Strength” bar indicates whether the password is good or not. A simple password which can be guessed (deciphered) easily may result in your account getting hacked. It is imperative that you make a strong password for the account. In the next two fields you need to provide a password.

Refer how to get a username of choice for more information. Type in a user ID which will become the first part of your MSN email address.Go directly to the MSN email address registration form by clicking on that link or type in in the address bar to load the sign up form.Open a web browser – it’s the program you are using to view this page.